Fall 2022 Season Key Information

Thank you to all coordinators who attended our meeting this evening (April 28th). It was great to see everyone again. We were able to have alot of important discussions and made some solid decisions about the Fall 2022 season. An email will be sent to all coordinators in the coming days but here are the highlights.
- The fall season will begin on August 24th and will run for 6 weeks of regular season play and end with a tournament on October 14-16. No matches will be scheduled over Labor Day weekend. Due to the earlier start, registration will open on July 25th and end on August 2nd so organizations need to get their teams together earlier this year. One special call out, we will leave registration open until noon on Saturday, August 6th for girls 7th/8th grade teams only to allow for girls that did not make their school team to play on a team in our league.
- We have enough interest in the fall to once again offer a boys 5th/6th rec division again and a girls 4th grade athletic division.
- NEW for this fall will be a 7th/8th grade boys rec division!
- We will allow organizations to formed combined boys teams. Please email the league the number of boys that you have and at what grade level (5/6 or 7/8) and we will help put you in touch with other organizations that have the same need.
- We will be putting together a cheat sheet of sorts for coordinators to help walk them through the registration process a bit.
- SAVE THE DATE for the CPYVL Pre-Season Tuneup on August 20/21. More information will be available in a few weeks. Teams from the CPYVL and GCCYS will compete in a friendly pre-season tuneup hosted at various sites around the city.